
(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.


The maximum number of queued runs for a process before warnings are generated.



When a process runs, its tasks will be spread over game ticks if necessary in order to avoid game lag. If subsequent runs are started while another run is already in progress, they will be queued up and started after the current run ends.

If runs are queueing up too fast, things could quickly get out of hand. The PULSE_MAX_QUEUE constant sets the threshold at which the API considers a process to be accumulating too many queued runs – at this point warning messages will be generated indicating developer attention is required.

If Process.TICK_TIME is less than 30ms, the value of PULSE_MAX_QUEUE will be doubled to avoid spamming you with warnings.



  • Warzone 3.1 or above
  • Process 0.1 or above