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Find out how much available power a specific player has...



var returnValue = playerPower([player]);


ParameterTypeMandatoryDescriptionGame version

The player to inspect.

Defaults to "me".

3.1 Beta 1

Return value

ValueTypeDescriptionGame version
<power>NumberA number representing the amount of power the player has.3.1 Beta 1
0NumberPower reserves are empty. Use queuedPower() to work out by how much.3.1 Beta 1
<error>ErrorThe player specified does not exist. There is no spoon.3.1 Beta 1


This function returns the amount of power in your power reserves, as indicated by the power bar shown at the bottom of the screen:

If the bar goes negative, the function returns 0. In this scenario, you can get an estimate of how much power is required for outstanding tasks by using queuedPower().


How much power do I have?
var myPower = playerPower(me);
Availability 3.1 B1+


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 or above.

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See also

Related API features:

  • queuedPower() – work out how much power is needed before power reserves start filling up again
  • setPower() – give a player some power
  • powerType – determine base power output per minute for an oil derrick
  • setPowerModifier() – boost or reduce oil production
  • donatePower() – transfer power to another player