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Scripting: Groups
Related Objects:
Create them:
- newGroup() – create a new group
- WZ 3.2+ – add to a group that doesn't exist yet
- labels.ini – group map-placed objects
Add things to them:
- groupAdd() – add any Game object
- groupAddDroid() – add a Droid object
- groupAddArea() – add Game objects within an area of the map
Remove things from them:
- Put them in some other group
Count objects in them:
- groupSize() – get number of items in a group
- groupSizes[] – iterate group sizes
List them:
- groupSizes[] – elements are group ids
- getObject() – retrieve a group by its label
Retrieve their objects:
- enumGroup() – retrieve objects in a group
Monitor them:
- eventGroupLoss() – triggers when an object is removed from a group
Remove them:
- not currently possible