Position-like Objects

(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.

Position-like Objects

If your data has {x, y} properties, Babel treats it like a Position object...



If you send data via Babel, and that data doesn't have a .type property but it does have both .x and .y properties, Babel adds .type = POSITION to your object.

The reason for this is simple - loads of AI chat messages refer to map locations, so Babel saves you some time by converting your {x, y} object in to a POSITION object. It won't remove any fields, it just adds a .type property – and it only does any of this if there isn't already a .type defined.

Uhm, what if I don't want it to?

Two easy ways to stop Babel doing this...

The first is somewhat obvious – make sure your object has a .type property (this also makes it at bit easier for receiving AIs to process your data).

If you don't want a .type property, then use the ready-made "removeType" replacer function when compiling your Babel messages:

// 100% .type-free -- guaranteed or your money back!
var babel = chat.toBabel("hello", "ai", {x:1, y:2}, chat.removeType);
Availability BETA



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