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List all technologies that can you can start researching immediately...



var technologies = enumResearch();


The function does not have any parameters.

Return values

ValueTypeNotesGame Version
<technologies>Array of
Research object
If technologies are available for research, an array of their associated research objects will be returned.3.1 Beta 1
[]Empty ArrayIf no technologies are currently available for research, an empty array is returned.3.1 Beta 1
<error>ErrorInternal error3.1 Beta 1


Get labs to research whatever is available...
// get list of technologies available for research
var technologies = enumResearch();
// do we have stuff to research?
if (technologies.length) {
	// get a list of labs
	var labs = enumStruct( me, RESEARCH_LAB );
	labs.forEach( function(lab) {
		// is lab idle?
		if ( (lab.status == BUILT) && structureIdle(lab) ) {
			// make it research first technology in list
			pursueResearch( lab, technologies.shift() );
	} );
Availability 3.1 B1+


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 or above

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