(info) This AI is still in early stages of development.

Test.ASYNCH( )

Causes a test to keep running until it either passes, fails or times-out...



Basic syntax
Test("Basic syntax", Test.ASYNCH( [gameSeconds[, numResults]] ), function() {
	// Test will keep running until it times-out, passes or fails...


ParameterTypeMandatoryNotesAPI Version

The number of game seconds before the test will time out.

Game seconds are affected by game speed - so if you slow down the game, the test will run for longer to compensate.

Default: 60


A non-negative integer stating how many results the test must produce.

If specified, and the test does not provide the specified number of results, the test will fail regardless of any other criteria.

Default: Wait until test times-out, fails or a Test Signal is sent.


Return values

ValueTypeNotesAPI Version
<mode>ObjectThe mode object is associated with the unit test defined in the same Test() invocation.1.0
<error>ErrorIf you specify gameSeconds and/or numResults, and the specified value is invalid (eg. not a number or negative, etc) an error will be thrown and the test will not be run.1.0

Effect on test

A Test.ASYNCH( ) Unit Tests initiates an "asynchronous testing session".

While the session is active, applicable unit tests using mode Test.APPEND( ) can provide additional results to the unit test that initiated the session.

Note that Test.APPEND( ) unit tests are treated as extensions to the initiating Test.ASYNCH( ) unit test:

  • Only the initiating Test.ASYNCH( ) unit test will have a pass/fail state
  • Test.APPEND( ) unit tests merely contribute towards the Test.ASYNCH( ) unit test's pass/fail state

The session remains active until a definite pass/fail state is determined, or until it times-out, whichever is sooner.

All other Test.ANY( ), Test.EXPECT( ) and Test.ASYNCH( ) tests will be queued until the current session has ended.

Immediate fail conditions

The following conditions will cause the initiating test to fail immediately if triggered at any point during the session:

As soon as one of these happen, the session will be terminated – it will not time-out and no further units will append the session.

End-of-unit pass/fail conditions

If no immediate fail conditions have occurred, the initiating test state will be reviewed at the end of each unit test processed during the session as defined below:

  1. If one or more Test Assertions have failed, the initiating test will be marked as failed
  2. If the initiating test is not marked as failed:
    1. If numResults was specified, and more than that number of results have been logged, the initiating test will be marked as failed
    2. If numResults was specified, and that exact number of results have been logged, the initiating test will be marked as passed
  3. If the test is marked as passed or failed, the session will be terminated – it will not time-out and no further unit tests will append the session
  4. Otherwise the session will remain active, waiting for more results to be appended or a time-out

Time-out pass/fail conditions

If the state of the initiating test remains undetermined, it will eventually time-out (see gameSeconds in the Parameters section for more info).

The session will not time-out while a unit test is being processed, unless forced to do so by using the FINISH( ) signal.

When a session times-out, the initiating test state will be determined as follows:

  • If the numResults parameter was specified when the initiating test was defined, the test will be marked as passed if that exact number of results has been logged, otherwise it will be marked as failed.
  • If numResults wasn't defined, the test will be marked as passed.

After timing-out, the session will be terminated and no further units will append the session.


Let's say we want to monitor what happens to a droid when we tell it to move to our HQ:

  • Record any attacks
  • Fail the test if it gets destroyed
  • Pass the test if it arrives at the HQ within 30 seconds

Our code would look something like this:

// Get a droid (assumes we have one) and the HQ (assumes we have one)
// and store in an object for easy reference elsewhere
var mission = {
	droid: enumDroids(me)[0],
	dest: enumStruct(me, HQ)[0]
// Start a 30 game sec asynch session, expecting 1 result...
	"Droid test", // name of test session
	Test.ASYNCH( 30, 1 ), // 30 secs timeout, 1 result expected
	function(mission) { // initiating unit test
		// Let's assume the droid can get to our HQ...
			mission.droid, // let's hope it's still alive lol
		// If that throws an error, test will fail = ending asynch session
	mission // settings to pass in as first param of unit test
// Now the test is defined, but not yet run - remember tests are queued,
// so we better add some append tests to the events...
// When droid reaches HQ, it will become idle
function eventDroidIdle(droid) {
	if (droid.id == mission.droid.id) {
			"WIN!", // doesn't really matter what we call it
			Test.APPEND("Droid test"), // case sensitive!
			function() {
				// This one result makes end-of-unit condition
				// checks pass the initiating test and
				// terminate the session. Any subsequent
				// Test.APPEND() invocations will be ignored
				ok( true, "The droid got to our HQ!" );
// We need to log attacks...
function eventAttacked(victim, attacker) {
	if (victim.type == DROID && victim.id == mission.droid.id) {
			Test.APPEND("Droid test"),
			function(attacker) {
				// Comments don't count towards numResults
				comment( "Attacked by a "+attacker.name );
			attacker // settings to pass in to test
// And what if we get killed?
function eventDestroyed(victim) {
	if (victim.type == DROID && victim.id == mission.droid.id) {
			"EPIC FAIL!",
			Test.APPEND("Droid test"),
			function() {
				ABORT( "Mission failed!" ); // abort signal = immediate fail
Availability STABLE



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Test API


  • Test() — Define a unit test and it's configuration...
  • Test Modules — A test module groups one or more unit tests and provides additional lifecycle settings for those tests...
  • Test Modes — Defines the mode in which a unit test is run...
    • Test.ANY( ) — The most basic unit test mode...
    • Test.EXPECT( ) — Causes the test to fail if it does not generate the specified number of results...
    • Test.ASYNCH( ) — Causes a test to keep running until it either passes, fails or times-out...
    • Test.APPEND( ) — Appends results to a specific asynchronous test session...
  • Unit Tests — The unit test function, responsible for performing one or more Test Assertions...
  • Test Assertions — Assertions are used to perform various tests and annotations within a unit test...
    • comment( ) — Adds a comment to the test results...
    • ok( ) — A simple state checking assertion...
    • hasNative( ) — Assert presence of a native property on the global object...
    • hasFunction( ) — Check if a context has a function property, optionally with specified number of formal parameters...
    • equal( ) — A basic equality checking assertion...
    • notEqual( ) — A basic inequality checking assertion...
    • strictEqual( ) — A strict equality checking assertion...
    • notStrictEqual( ) — A strict inequality checking assertion...
    • deepEqual( ) — A deep equality checking assertion...
    • notDeepEqual( ) — A deep inequality checking assertion...
    • similarTo( ) — A deep similarity checking assertion...
    • notSimilarTo( ) — A deep dissimilarity spotting assertion...
  • Test Signals — Signals are used to prematurely terminate Unit Tests...
    • REQUIRE( ) — Check whether a test or group of tests have passed. If the requirement fails, a RequireSignal will be sent which terminates the current test and marks it as failed.
    • ABORT( ) — Aborts the current test, marking it as failed in the process...
    • FINISH( ) — Terminates the test as if it had finished normally...
  • Test Events — Events defined by Test API...
  • Test Results — After testing is finished, output results...
  • Test API - Dev Notes — Developer notes for this API...