Between 1 and 9 additional players in the game (human or AI)
3.1 B1+
In scavfact.js, the value of 'me' will be same as scavengerPlayer.
If scavengers are enabled, the value will be 7 or maxPlayers+1, whichever is higher.
If scavengers are disabled, the value will be -1.
3.1 B1+
An additional global, selectedPlayer, allows you to determine which of the players the localhost human is playing as (remember the human can switch to different players using the Debug Menu).
In Warzone 3.2 and above, the value of 'me' defaults to -1 in rules.js. This means that all Events & Timers from all players will be received in rules.js. To work out which player is associated with rules.js, cache the value of selectedPlayer at the start of a game, for example:
var humanPlayer = selectedPlayer;
Even if the human changes to a different player via the Debug Menu, which would change the value of selectedPlayer, you're cached 'humanPlayer' variable will still contain the player the human was originally playing as at the start of the game.
Get a list of my droids...
// get a list of my droids
var myDroids = enumDroid(me);