

Adds missing DACTION (droid action) constants that are applicable to the .action property of Droid objects.


 Requires backport.js

Compatible with all versions of Warzone from 3.1 Beta 1 and above.

If constants are already defined, dorder.js will not overwrite them.


The JS API doesn't define any of the DACTION (Droid Action) constants because they are rarely, if ever, used by scripters. This script adds them all.

To use daction.js, download it and include() it in your script - all missing actions will automatically be defined ready for use in your script. Existing constants will not be overwritten.

Full list of constants

You can find a full list of contents here: .action – at some point I might make pages describing each one.


  File Modified

JavaScript File daction_0.1.js Adds all the DACTION contents to your JS environment

Mar 01, 2012 by Aubergine

JavaScript File daction_0.2.js Updated to use backport.js

Mar 05, 2012 by Aubergine

See also

  • action.cpp – the C++ source code that defines and performs the actions
  • Droid object – access the .action property to get the droid's current action