Archived Scripts

Archived Scripts


The scripts listed here probably aren't any use to you - they were mainly proof-of-concept scripts to test the capabilities of backport.js.

These scripts are functional, but are only of benefit if you want to apply backports to the 3.1 Alpha releases (master snapshots) of late 2011 and early January 2012.

Because those releases were quite unstable, and due to significant changes in Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 (lots of new events, big changes to cyborg-related stuff) I'd recommend avoiding the Alpha releases and just make your scripts compatible with 3.1 Beta 1 and above.


  • pickStructLocation.jsFixes a bug in Warzone 3.1 early alpha releases (master snapshots) where pickStructLocation() would return positions offset by 1 tile.
  • objFromId.jsBackports objFromId() to MASTER releases prior to Warzone 3.1 Beta 1, and removes deprecated droidFromId() from all applicable versions.
  • orderDroidBuild.jsBackports orderDroidBuild() to MASTER releases prior to Warzone 3.1 Beta 1, and removes deprecated orderDroidStatsLoc() from all versions.