Intel screen

Intel screen

I'm trying to catalogue the different types of report that can be shown on intel screen.

When you enter intel screen, a list of reports is shown at the bottom:

There are different types of report:


Primary mission goal

Seems to always be a full-screen video, and once video ends its transcript is shown in a box.

If the video is missing, only the text box is shown.

This type of report always appears at the start of the list. It remains until the mission goal is completed.

Current objective?

Used for briefings, intelligence reports, etc. Seems to always be indicative of a mission objective.

In the campaign, it seems that there's only one objective active at a time:

  • so this is like the mission objective
  • the primary mission goal (above) is like the campaign goal and survives multiple missions

Seems to always be a full-screen video, and once video ends its transcript is shown in a box.

If the video is missing, only the text box is shown.

This type of report seems to always appear after the mission goal report. They remain until the objective is completed.


New technology

A 3D model is shown in the list, hovering over it shows a tooltip. Sometimes a blue type icon is shown overlaid on to the image.

Clicking the report icon shows the detail view which shows:

  • rotating model on the left (along with blue type icon in top-left corner if applicable)
  • a video on the right
  • 4 lines of text:
    • subject – eg. Machinegun upgrade
    • summary – eg. Hardened case machinegun bullets
    • effect – eg. Increases machinegun damage
    • notes – eg. All machineguns upgraded automatically

These reports are added to the end of the list. They get removed automatically after viewing them.