If you want a scavenger option on your map, you need to pre-place specific scavenger structures for things to work properly...


Scavenger player

Scavenger buildings and units must be set to player "S" in FlaME.

This is then automatically converted to the relevant scavengerPlayer based on the number of other players defined on the map when you publish your map.

Minimum requirements

For scavengers to actually do something when people play your map, you should ensure that the scavengers have at least the following structures:

  • A scavenger-owned oil derrick (to produce oil)
  • A scavenger power plant (to turn oil in to power)
  • A scavenger factory (to build more units)

Remember that scavengers don't have hovercraft so most of their units can only travel across land. If you put Scavengers on an island surrounded by water, they will still produce land units and clog up their base. So always make sure they have some land to get to the main part of the map and reach any enemy bases.

Recommended setup

For the scavengers being useful in a map, one factory, one power generator and 2-4 derricks and being in the right place is enough for low oil maps. For high oil maps, 2-4 full working generators, 1-3 factorys and their base dividing the map in two parts is good.

Scavenger structures

< list of all scav buildings, what they do, pics, etc > (smile)

Scavenger units

< list of all scav units, pics, etc. – maybe just link to Scavengers? >


Maps containing scavengers

If you need inspiration for design ideas, take a look at these maps which contain scavengers:

  • Sk-Startup – bundled with the game, the scavs have their own mountain!
  • Freezing – beautiful scav bases, arranged so that if one gets attacked all players on the map get scav armies running past their base entrance!


Scavenger in Warzone were inspired by the Mad Max series of films:

Always do some play-testing with the Ultimate Scavenger Mod installed as it massively changes the veracity of the Scavenger faction.



Developer Links

Related JS API articles:

  • scavfact.js – the AI script that controls the scavenger faction
  • scavengerPlayer – a JS API global defining the player ID for scavenger faction within the current game
  • scavengers – a JS API global indicating whether scavengers are enabled in the current game