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File cam28apl.ogg

2.11 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:31 We can now confirm the missile is targeted at Alpha base. Evacuation procedures are being initiated at these locations...

File cam27fmv.ogg

1.51 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:30 Detected missile launch at these co-ordinates. Team Gamma sending investigating launch site to prevent further launches. We assume NEXUS gained control of site. Can't determine if missile is nuclear armed or where targeted. Advise you prepare evacuation.

File cam26pl2.ogg

2.23 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:30 Since the Collapse, remnants of NEXUS consciousness have been attempting to locate and recover any of its still-functioning memory banks.

File cam26pl1.ogg

3.64 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:30 Analysis of NASDA Central leaves no doubt that The Collective has introduced the NEXUS Intruder Virus to it. The nuclear reactor was going to be used to power a vast network of pre-Collapse computer systems.

File cam26bfm.ogg

6.09 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:29 Commander, we are detecting transmissions from this site that are reaching high orbit. NEXUS has now reconnected itself with the NASDA satellites. This poses a major threat to The Project and our survival.

File cam26afm.ogg

10.86 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:28 See "c26afm transcript" for audio transcript and images.

File cam22pl3.ogg

1.25 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:26 ...we've got to make sure that it can't do it again. NASDA briefing ends.

File cam22pl2.ogg

879 kB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:26 This is disturbing news regarding NASDA, Commander. NASDA briefing follows.

File cam22pl1.ogg

4.20 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:26 Commander, it appears The Collective may be more dangerous than we thought. Data from the Collective's base indicated the presence of the NEXUS Intruder Program in their computer systems. Before nexus switched itself offline we accessed the following...

File cam22fmv.ogg

10.00 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:25 See "cam22fmv transcript" for audio transcript and images.

File cam2out.ogg

4.71 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:23 (no voice) Starts with nuke in flight, then base comes in to sight with sirens and transport taking off, then BOOM! Transport escapes the blast just in time.

File cam2intb.ogg

1.50 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:22 sure to fortify the perimeter and establish anti-aircraft defences. New technologies are available.

File cam2inta.ogg

3.20 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:22 See "c002 transcript" - cam2inta.ogg is a subsection of that from "Team Beta is searching..." to "Be prepared for aerial as well as ground attacks"."

File cam2int2.ogg

9.68 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:22 See "c002 transcript" - cam2int2 is a subsection of that starting from first collective logo through to the end.

File cam2int1.ogg

17.54 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:20 (Male voice) We are under heavy attack. We cannot hold our position much longer. Request support. (War scene at base) (Transport in flight). (Female radio voice) Commander, you are to assist team Beta, briefing follows... (then segment from c002)

File cam2dipl.ogg

1.07 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:17 Decoding transmission... (bleeps)

File cam2diip.ogg

1.72 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:17 You must transport as many of your forces as possible. Good luck Commander.

File cam2diin.ogg

2.08 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:16 (Nexus voice) Warriors of The Collective, you have performed well. Your just reward is on its way. The project is fleeing its base and stealing your technology. You must stop them.

File cam2diif.ogg

394 kB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:16 Commander, we have grave news. Alpha base has been destroyed by nuclear missile attack. Elements of Team Alpha were able to escape overland before the nuke hit. All contact has since been lost with them.

File cam2diib.ogg

1.83 MB Aubergine May 24, 2012 23:16 Load as many of your forces in to your transports as you can. Be advised that The Collective appear unaware of the imminent nuclear attack, and have air units headed for your location. Commander, this message was intercepted a few moments ago...
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