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cam22fmv transcript
- cam22fmv
- female
- project
- nasda
- north
- american
- strategic
- defence
- agency
- formed
- defend
- america
- conventional
- nuclear
- nukes
- lassat
- laser
- satellite
- earth
- ground
- based
- destroyed
- counterstrike
- bound
- some
- out
- there
- pulse
- lasers
- failed
- shoot
- down
- missiles
- approaching
- fire
- brought
- operation
- inflict
- major
- damage
- targets
- nexus
- central
- eastern
- sector
- control
- centre
- claimed
- already
- world
sequences > devastation.ogg
- nasda
- developed
- protect
- male
- intro
- game
- trailer
- cinematic
- ultimate
- nuclear
- deterrent
- executioner
- report
- fault
- error
- routine
- system
- check
- nukes
- targeted
- every
- major
- city
- world
- programmed
- collapse
- counter
- strikes
- launched
- laser
- defence
- missile
- ground
- eradicated
- winter
- disease
- famine
- claimed
- survived
- war
- cans
- dog
- food
- seattle
- rocky
- mountains
- bands
- marauders
- personnel
- dead
- virulent
- cracked
- doors
- cleared
- bodies
- build
- new
- ruins
- landing
- pads
- rearming
- systems
- online
- begin
- project
- devastation
cam2 > cam26afm.ogg
- analysis
- indicate
- system
- systems
- control
- nasda
- laser
- satellite
- nexus
- responsible
- collapse
- stages
- sequence
- technician
- infected
- isolate
- spread
- prevented
- statellite
- firing
- counter
- strike
- nuclear
- magnetic
- pulse
- wipe
- clean
- large
- amount
- memory
- bank
- shattering
- core
- processor
- shock
- wave
- blast
- fried
- consciousness
- obliterated
- eradicated
- female
- cam26afm