Mission 1: Glorious Dawn

Mission 1: Glorious Dawn

TheĀ GeigerĀ counters are showing rad levels are finally low enough, provided we wear protective clothing, for us to finally start venturing outside for short periods of time. We've no idea what we'll find, but our hearts yearn for the warmth of the sun and our stomachs yearn for new food and water. Tomorrow at dawn we open the barrier and leave the bunker for the first time in almost 2 years.


  • Find food and water
  • Find a way to make water rad free


  • Diet food truck (only food I can think of that would last for 2 years - it's just powdered chemicals & vitamins)
  • Water barrel
  • Tech to remove radiation from water


  • Bunker - acts as a factory for people, cost per person = food & water they are given when leaving bunker
  • Something to process water from nearby river
  • Something to power the water treatment building (solar panels?)


  • Various piles of rubble
  • Improved damaged sky scrapers & buildings
  • Space needle tower (ruined)
  • Safeco Field stadium (ruined)


  • While outside, units sustain radiation damage - if they stay outside too long: Boom!
  • Wolves (or other wild animals) - very short range melee attack
  • Occasional bandits (rare)