JS API Backports

Warzone's JS API is evolving rapidly with several releases now out in the wild since its main debut in Warzone 3.1 Beta 1.

The Backport project aims to take some of the newer features and backport them to earlier versions of the game to increase the cross-version compatibility of your scripts.

Backport only affects the script environment (engine) in which it's running. It won't affect other player's script environments unless they specifically include Backport.


  • Introduction — Backport lets Javascript developers work more easily with the evolving Warzone JS API...
  • backport.js — This is the main backport library that all the other backports require...
  • Backport Scripts — A collection of ready-made backports awaits you commander...
  • Experimental Scripts — These scripts are somewhat experimental uses of backport.js.
  • Archived Scripts — The scripts listed here probably aren't any use to you - they were mainly proof-of-concept scripts to test the capabilities of backport.js.
  • How does Backport work? — For the terminally-inquisitive, here's how backport works...
  • Backwards compatibility — How do you make your scripts backwards compatible with older versions of the JS API?

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