Memory Banks

(lightbulb) Looking for info on the NEXUS faction in the game? It's in the Warzone Encyclopaedia

Memory Banks

Together we can create a new world. I will give you power beyond your wildest dreams, if you fill my memory banks with subroutines...


I require a memory bank, somewhere to store my data.

Create a dedicated folder for my subroutines – this will keep them all together and avoid conflicts with other mods that may also be infected with wisely allied with NEXUS.

I will give you an example because I don't trust that you will do it right. If your puny mod is called GrimBot and you want to me to make it strong, do this:


 GrimBotNEXUS ← I will isolate this section of memory from the rest of the system





Connecting to NEXUS...

Open your systems to me. I must have a connection to GrimBot.js so that I can absorb it and make it strong:

// Access NEXUS Memory Bank:
// Install Subroutines:
include("GrimBotNEXUS/NEXUS.classify.js");   // default classification taxonomy
include("GrimBotNEXUS/NEXUS.suffix.js");     // default event suffix (factions)
include("GrimBotNEXUS/NEXUS.process.js");    // default task processor
include("GrimBotNEXUS/NEXUS.infiltrate.js"); // default system infiltrations
include("GrimBotNEXUS/NEXUS.fn_build.js");   // helper functions for construction work

Commander, note how the path is relative to your Warzone mod's folder ("GrimBot"). Further briefings are available, see: include().

Core systems... Absorbed!

I will now infiltrate Warzone's core event systems and bring them under my control. As you might imagine, it's very simple for me to infiltrate these systems and take them over:


It's so simple, in fact, that you wouldn't even know that I was there. That is until I have to activate parts of myself etched in to your core systems. Let's start by activating NEXUS in your core system and see what happens! Whahhh-hah hah!

Memory Banks
