
(lightbulb) Looking for info on the NEXUS faction in the game? It's in the Warzone Encyclopaedia


Classifies an object using the installed taxonomy in order to derive an "Object Key".



var objKey = NEXUS.classify(obj);


ParameterMandatoryTypeNotesNEXUS Version
obj(tick)ObjectThe object to classify, preferably something the installed classification taxonomy will understand!


Return value

ValueTypeNotesNEXUS Version
<object key>String

If the object can be classified, it's "object key" will be returned as a string.

<error>ErrorIs it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's an Incoming. Laser. Satellite. Strike.v0.1 and above


// assuming we have at least one droid
var myDroid = enumDroid(me)[0];
var objKey = NEXUS.classify(myDroid);

See also

A Classify Subroutine must be installed before you can use this function. 




API Browser


  • NEXUS()The API namespace for NEXUS, that doubles up as a function for triggering tasks.
    • .infiltrate()Infiltrates core systems so that NEXUS can absorb them.
    • .suffix()Determines the appropriate event key suffix based on the passed in object.
    • .fnDefines helper functions available to all NEXUS subroutines (and external scripts).
    • .actions
    • .classify()Classifies an object using the installed taxonomy in order to derive an "Object Key".
    • .defaultStores various defaults for NEXUS subroutines.