
Instruct a droid to stop what it's doing.

This is particularly useful in the case of VTOLs because they keep attacking their last target until it's destroyed – the only way to stop them is DORDER_STOP.


Warzone 3.2 and above.

 Backport to earlier versions with backport.dorder.js and <link to follow>.


if (isVTOL(myDroid)) {
  orderDroid(myDroid,DORDER_STOP); // stop attacking your target
  orderDroid(myDoid,DORDER_REARM); // rearm yourself and wait for next command


The droid's current order can be determined from it's .order property. For more infomration see Droid object.

It's not entirely clear what will actually happen to your droid when you tell it to "STOP" - the effect will probably depend on the type of droid and what it's currently doing. It's probably best to issue another command immediately afterwards (for example, DORDER_HOLD) so that you know for sure what your droid is doing.

See also