
Instruct a land droid to go to a repair facility for repairs.


Warzone 3.2 and above.

 Backport to earlier versions with backport.dorder.js and backport.orderDroid.js.


// go to nearest repair facility (recommended):
if (!isVTOL(myDroid)) orderDroid(myDroid,DORDER_RTR);

// use specific repair facility (Note: DORDER_RTR_SPECIFIED would be a better order):
if (!isVTOL(myDroid)) orderDroidObj(myDroid,DORDER_RTR,repairStation);


The droid's current order can be determined from it's .order property. For more infomration see Droid object.

If you don't have any repair facilities, the droid will retreat to your HQ (or somewhere near your base if you don't have one) and won't get repaired unless you have researched Auto-Repair tech.

The droid will perform several actions throughout the repair process. For more information see: Working with Repairs & Rearming.

See also