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File c001end.ogg

15.31 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:19 Incoming transmission: (Male voice:) We are under heavy attack, we cannot hold our position much longer. Request immediate support. (battle scene). Commander, you are to assist Team Beta.

File sub17fmv.ogg

15.15 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:43 See "sub17fmv transcript" for audio transcript and images.

File c001.ogg

13.09 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:16 See "c001 transcript" for audio transcript and images.

File cam1out5.ogg

8.93 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:30 See "cam1out5 transcript" for audio transcript and images.

File cam1out2.ogg

7.30 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:27 Open your systems to me. Let me meld your machines & cyborgs. We create perfect nexus of man & machine. Together we create new world. I give power beyond wildest dreams. Open systems & you will be strong. I can raise you as gods upon the blasted Earth!

File sub1_7pl.ogg

6.33 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:37 See "sub1_7pl transcript" for audio transcript.

File map1a_c.ogg

5.88 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:31 See "map1a_c transcript" for audio transcript and images.

File sub13bet.ogg

5.62 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:38 Our exploratory teams have recovered a few artefacts. There is another force operating in this sector. So far, we have kept away from them, and they from us. They appear better equipped, but have made no hostile moves. We are proceeding with caution.

File cam1ca.ogg

5.59 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:23 Commander, you have driven the New Paradigm from this zone. To ensure that we continue to hold it against further enemy attacks, establish a forward base on the plateau. Be prepared for enemy counter-attacks.

File cam1out4.ogg

4.30 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:28 Your interference in my plans for New Paradigm will not go unpunished. You are weak flesh things. I am strong & have many parts. You may defeat me here but I shall rise again. As I once cleansed the world with fire, I will destroy you & your puny project.

File sub13gam.ogg

3.89 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:39 Team Gamma: Report. (Male voice:) Nothing to report. It's quiet and peaceful up here in the mountains. We have discovered no artefacts and have encountered no hostiles.

File cam1out1.ogg

3.80 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:26 Congratulations on defeating New Paradigm. Sector secure. Identified NEXUS Intruder Program in NP systems. Unfortunately, unable to determine its origin, it eradicated itself. Before self-destruct we recorded two conversations with it. Extracts follow...

File map1cexp.ogg

3.70 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:32 See "map1cexp transcript" for audio transcript and images.

File cam1capl.ogg

3.41 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:23 Examination of the captured structure reveals that the Synaptic Link technology was present at this structure, but was removed by the enemy. Once the forward base is established, we'll continue the search for it.

File sub1_2.ogg

3.25 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:33 Information discovered at previous site indicates pre-Collapse research centre at this location. Investigate & recover artefacts. We believe Scavengers in this zone are more technologically advanced. Scout positions before attacking. Reinforcements avail.

File cam1.ogg

2.97 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:20 Commander, you are to establish a base in this sector. Once base is established, begin the search for a pre-collapse structure located in this sector. This building is believed to contain advanced Neural Synapse technology that is vital to project success

File cam1b.ogg

2.72 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:22 This power surge was detected a few minutes ago by our HQ. Analysis of the pulse indicates a major power source south of our position. Investigate and secure the area, recover any artefacts in the vicinity.

File cam1b_p.ogg

2.63 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:21 Congratulations Commander, on securing the first zone in your sector, and recovering the artefacts. We have an additional mission for you.

File sub1_3.ogg

2.40 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:34 Commander, we're picking up encoded signals at this location. Take a scout force to investigate the signals. Use trucks to build defenses at the LZ. Once you have scouted the area, use reinforcements to clear and secure the zone.

File cam1acp.ogg

2.37 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:20 Commander, you have recovered the Synaptic Link technology. Initial research has confirmed that it will be of great benefit to the project.
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