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File sub17fmv.ogg

15.15 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:43 See "sub17fmv transcript" for audio transcript and images.

File sub14bpl.ogg

1.61 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:40 Commander, we have decoded this incoming message to the New Paradigm...

File sub14anp.ogg

1015 kB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:40 Nexus, the Synaptic technology you required has been recovered and sent for collection. Message ends.

File sub13np2.ogg

1019 kB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:40 Your attacks upon us will not go unpunished. You are in contravention of the New Paradigm. Message ends.

File sub13np1.ogg

1.02 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:39 Warning: You are entering a restricted area. Return to where you came from or be destroyed. Repeat: Return to your designated zone, or be destroyed. Message ends.

File sub13gam.ogg

3.89 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:39 Team Gamma: Report. (Male voice:) Nothing to report. It's quiet and peaceful up here in the mountains. We have discovered no artefacts and have encountered no hostiles.

File sub13bet.ogg

5.62 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:38 Our exploratory teams have recovered a few artefacts. There is another force operating in this sector. So far, we have kept away from them, and they from us. They appear better equipped, but have made no hostile moves. We are proceeding with caution.

File sub12pt2.ogg

1014 kB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:37 Scavenger base detected. Commander, recover any artefacts held by the scavengers at this location.

File sub1_7pl.ogg

6.33 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:37 See "sub1_7pl transcript" for audio transcript.

File sub1_7b.ogg

1.04 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:36 The New Paradigm force has recovered a vital artefact. Prevent them from reaching their transport and recover the artefact.

File sub1_7.ogg

1.09 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:36 We are detecting New Paradigm transmissions indicating that they are searching for artefacts in this vicinity. Intercept them, do not let any enemies exit this area.

File sub1_5pl.ogg

1.11 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:36 Information discovered at the previous enemy base indicates that the New Paradigm recovered 2 synaptic link artefacts.

File sub1_5.ogg

1.91 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:36 One was dispatched to a force known only as "Nexus". The other is being analysed at a research facility located here. Assemble an attack team and recover the Synaptic Link technology. This artefact must be recovered at all costs.

File sub1_4pl.ogg

1.73 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:35 Commander, we are picking up incoming transmissions at this location. Decoding in progress.

File sub1_4bn.ogg

1.40 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:35 You have done well. Once we have analysed and authenticated the technology, your reward will follow.

File sub1_4b.ogg

1.07 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:35 Commander, reinforcements are available. Destroy the New Paradigm base, and recover any artefacts present. Assemble at LZ number two when you have completed the mission.

File sub1_4.ogg

1.65 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:34 Commander, board the transport and scout the designated area for the enemy research facilities. Once identified, proceed to LZ number two for pickup. Do not engage the enemy at this time.

File sub1_3p1.ogg

1.57 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:34 Project team updates: Team Beta report.

File sub1_3.ogg

2.40 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:34 Commander, we're picking up encoded signals at this location. Take a scout force to investigate the signals. Use trucks to build defenses at the LZ. Once you have scouted the area, use reinforcements to clear and secure the zone.

File sub1_2.ogg

3.25 MB Aubergine May 25, 2012 01:33 Information discovered at previous site indicates pre-Collapse research centre at this location. Investigate & recover artefacts. We believe Scavengers in this zone are more technologically advanced. Scout positions before attacking. Reinforcements avail.
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