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Get an object based on it's object ID and player ID...



var gameObj = droidFromId( id, player );


ParameterTypeMandatoryNotesGame version
idNumber(tick)The ID of the object to retrieve3.1 Beta 1 ONLY
playerNumber(tick)The ID of the player to which the object belongs.3.1 Beta 1 ONLY

Return values

ValueTypeNotesGame version
<gameObj>Game object

If the object is found, it's associated game object is returned.

Despite the name of the function, droidFromId() was capable of getting any type of game object, including structures and features.

3.1 Beta 1 ONLY
<error>ErrorIf the object is not found, an error is thrown.3.1 Beta 1 ONLY


Get object with id #63 that belongs to me
var obj;
try {
	obj = droidFromId( 63, me );
	// do stuff with obj that was found
} catch(e) {
	// object not found
Availability 3.1 A→3.1 B1


  • Warzone 3.1 Beta 1 only

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