About this site

Welcome, Commander.

This site is dedicated to mods, customisations, maps and guides for an awesome open source RTS called  Warzone 2100. If you're not familiar with the game, this video will set the tone:

In December 2004 Warzone was released by its copyright holders, Eidos-Interactive™, to the public under the GNU General Public License (GPL) (later clarified to include the soundtrack and videos as well), and the Warzone 2100 Project was born, to continue developing the game as an open source project. Since then, a bewildering number of maps, mods and other customisations have been developed by the community, keeping the game fresh and relevant in the process.

This site you're looking at now started out as a little place for me to store notes on some scripting I was doing for Warzone 2100. Those notes evolved in to the  Javascript API documentation project. Over time a few other projects have carved out a space on the site, such as the  FlaME map editor and a  build order guide.

It's my hope that more projects set up on this site, so that it can become a central resource where developers, artists, writers and anyone else involved in keeping Warzone alive can contribute, collaborate and share their awesome work with the community.

Do you want a space here?

The site is organised in to spaces (or projects), each of which focusses on one specific thing. A space can be just a simple wiki, or it can include a load of dev tools such as a bug tracker, source code repository (or linked to existing SVN / Github / Bitbucket), and a bunch of other useful things.

The wiki is pretty awesome as far as wikis go - it's super easy to use, you don't need to learn wiki markup and there's loads of useful plugins like image galleries, flowcharting tools and attachment lists. I've put some links to videos showing some of the more recent features in the sidebar to the left of this page so you can get an idea of what it's like to edit stuff here.

Most of the spaces on this site are editable by all users - just sign up (login at top of page) and start contributing! If you want a space for your project, drop me a  PM on the Warzone 2100 forums.