
Instruct a VTOL to circle around a specific location.


 Requires backport.dorder.js.

This isn't a standard feature of the JS API, however it's a constant used by the game engine so it's recognised by Warzone from at least 3.1 Beta 1 onwards.


// circle droid around specific x,y co-ordinates
if (isVTOL(droid)) orderDroidLoc(droid,DORDER_CIRCLE,x,y);
// circle myVTOL around specific gameObject
if (isVTOL(droid)) orderDroidObj(myVTOL,DORDER_CIRCLE,gameObject);


The droid's current order can be determined from it's .order property. For more infomration see Droid object.

This order currently only works with VTOLs so use isVTOL() to check that you've got the right sort of droid.

Your VTOL will fly to the specified location and then start circling it. While moving to the specified location, and then whilst circling it, the VTOL will attack any enemy object it sees.

The circle radius is 12 tiles, and VTOLs will target enemy droids and structures both within that radius and also about 8-12 tiles outside of it. This means that from the centre of the circle, your VTOLs attack radius is about 20 tiles in every direction! When DORDER_CIRCLE is applied to lots of VTOLs at the same time (50+ is most effective), extreme pain will be delivered to the enemy!

See also