The most basic unit test mode...



Test("Basic syntax", Test.ANY( ), function() {
  // assertions, if any, go here


No parameters.

Return values

ValueTypeNotesAPI Version
<mode>ObjectThe mode object is associated with the unit test defined in the same Test() invocation.1.0

Effect on test

The test is treated as synchronous and its pass/fail state will be determined as soon as the Unit Tests has been processed...

Fail conditions

The unit test will fail if any of the following occur:

Pass conditions

If the test has not failed, it will be deemed to have passed – even if it did not generate any results (eg. no assertions or signals in the test).


Test.ANY( ) mode is useful when the number of results could vary based on some external factor...

var thingsToCheck = ["chat", "include", "playerData"];
Test("Check things", Test.ANY( ), function(settings) {
	if (settings && settings.length) {
		settings.forEach(function(thing) {
			hasNative( thing, thing+" is native?" );
}, thingsToCheck);

Test.ANY( ) is also useful if you want to use a test as a flag that determines whether other tests run...

Test("Check is defined", Test.ANY( ), function() {
	hasNative( "Check", "Dependency Checker installed?" );
Test("Test dependency checker", Test.EXPECT( 1 ), function() {
	REQUIRE( "Check is defined" ); // will abort if the test above failed
	Check.provide({file: "testing", ver: 1.0});
	ok( Check.has("testing", 1.0), "Dependency successfully provided" );

If you know how many results a test should generate, it's recommended to use Test.EXPECT( ) instead.




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