Define a unit test and it's configuration...



Test(testName, testMode, unitTest[, testData]);


ParameterTypeMandatoryNotesAPI Version
testNameString(tick)The name of the test – keep it concise but descriptive.1.0
testModeTest Mode(tick)The mode in which the test is run – see Test Modes for more details.1.0
unitTestUnit Tests(tick)

A function that performs one or more Test Assertions and optionally Test Signals.

testDataVariant(error)Optionally pass in any data that will be exposed as the testData parameter in the unitTest function when it runs.1.0

Return values

Don't read too much in to these. Most test modes result in the test being queued in which case you'll almost always get a return value of Test.PENDING.

ConstantValueTypeNotesAPI Version
Test.SUCCESStrueBooleanIndicates the test was completed and passed.1.0
Test.FAILEDfalseBooleanIndicates the test was completed but failed.1.0
Test.RUNNINGnullNullIndicates a Test.ASYNCH( ) test is waiting for additional results from subsequent Test.APPEND( ) tests.1.0
Test.PENDINGundefinedUndefinedIndicates the test has not yet started.1.0
 <error>ErrorIndicates that during a routine systems check, the NASDA system that was designed to protect us turned out to be our ultimate executioner.1.0



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Test API
